Chaotia is the novel I am writeing and it is also a fantasy world,
heres some thing about chaotia.
Planet chaotia
The planet chaotia has rules of how things work and how things are played out in life,In this prologue I will explain these rules (so dont panic!).Now planet chaotia is similar to earth in some ways like some chaotians are like humans and are jerks or really nice,But chaotians are way smarter and stronger they have advancements so great humans only dream to have them. Chaotia is about 3 galaxiys away for earths solar system give or take a few million light years, most chaotians are layed back and don't really care for wars like humans do. Chaotians prefer to live there lifes whit out being in wars and battles,Now a chaotians life span is greater then that of a humans when humans there top age so far is near one hundred chaotians can live up to three times that age and even older.Now the only reason they never try and talk to humans even though they are fully aware of us is, for one planet chaotian dosent have the right atomosphere for humans to visit chaotia's oxygen content is about 50% less then earths natural content and the nitrogen level is about 20% more humans would suffer under this conditions. 2nd chaotians fear for there sakes since some not all humans are verey mean and will try to attack them or steal from them or put them in cages to study them.
Chaotian Gods
On chaotia they have three gods of water,fire,and wind(water,fire ,and wind are the main elements) the god of water name is Terra,the water of wishes *important! yes the main charater also has the same name but that normal since terra is a name given to some choatian girls* the fire god name is sirius ,son of courage flames. The wind gods (yes gods) are omira the boy of the sky and zuri the girl of the clouds *they are twins,yes there is two but they count as one in power*The gods are verey important to the choatians they make shrines to these gods(yes they do exsit in person)Each god lives on a mountain.The fire mountain,mount firage(Fi-ra-g''e'' is silence)the water mountain mount glaicers reins(gla-eye-cers), And the wind mountain mount cyclonira's winds(cy-clone-eye-ra roll the r).
Roles of power
Ok since I got that off and done now to the roles of power meaning who is more important or greater.Under the gods are the queen and king of chaotia the queen ranks higher becuase chaotians belive that females of their kind are more important and are also know as ''the portal of life''But most of the people are treated the same Just females have a little more rights, Then after the ''royal'' people comes the knights of the elements(sub elements accutaly,keep reading and you'll find out what sub elements are)the knights of the elements are 9 select knights that are trained from birth to one sub element.After the knights comes the armice (yes armice this is how you say it arm-ice)Armice is a chaotian that was picked by the queen to serve as a problem solver armices are usally verey smart and verey kind they are mostly there to awser questions to the chaotians.Now below the armice is the heir of the queen and king the child learns from the armice and learns from the knights of the elements,After that are the regular knights and normal city dwellers.
Sub elements and main elements
Now sub elements and the main elements, The three main elements are Water ,Fire,and wind(like the gods).The sub elements are under each main element the sub elements of water are ice,light,and darkness. the sub elements of fire are metal,crystal,and ground the sub elements of wind are storms,lighting,and then wood(or plants if you prefer to say it like that).
Royal child rules
Now if more then one royal child is born the youngest is picked to be the rein now the older ones get turned into armices or knights of the elements depending on there conditions.The older ones aren't made armices and knights by choice they are actually forced by the king but normaly the child is ok whit that.
The god mountains
Now the god mountains are three places where the gods are said to live there's mount firage, mount glaicers reins ,mount cyclonira's winds.
Mount firage
Mount firage is a mineing mountain filled with chaotian mines used to mine crystal,metal,and other minerals.mount firage is the home of the god sirius the fire god sirius stays on the top of the mountain wich is a valcano.
Mount glaicers reins
Mount glaicers rein is a river runing and waterfall filled mountain whit wide forestess and monsters ready to attack ,Mount glaicer rein is also the home to the god terra she lives in a little house on the top surrounded by koi ponds.
Mount cyclonira winds
Now this mountain is just like normal earth mountains but a little diffrent the mountain is so high that clouds swirl around it and it is also home to the wind gods and also home to a masive grave yard covering the mountain.
Now dragoonas are the main source of transportation on planet chaotia they look like snakes whit flat featherless wings and have two arms and two hands (more like claws),Now on chaotia mostly everyone has a dragoona but a few travel whit planes.As you might of guessed dragoonas do follow the elements like water,fire,and wind but ironicly they follow it backwards like for exsample a older more leveled dragoona would be an sub element and a baby or weaker one would be a main element,Like this chart will say.
Now chaotians don't really like to use weapons but they are still skilled in weapon use,Their basic weapons are the fire,water,arm weapons and sky armor and sky sword these three basicly come togeter to make a fully loaded knights armor since the sky armor doesnt cover the arms.Now most of their weapons are like swords and guns just like earth weapons just more powerful, now the three weapons fire,water,and sky are really rare there is only two sets on the hole planet. the elemental weapon set as they call it was the first weapon on planet chaotia made from the gods themselfs for the royal famaily.
-Fire weapon: Now the fire weapons chaotian name is a figaru(Fe-ga-ru),Figaru is a basic arm weapon that attaches on the arm the chaotian writes with or fights better with,most chaotians fight with their right arms like humans do.
-figaru claw:the figaru has four small nifes that attach to the weapon and when all four of them are placed the user can use the claw like weapon to shoot a chain claw and can be used to hurt their enemys or pull something to them.
-figaru shot:the figaru can also shoot fire balls to hurt the enemy,
-figaruga crystal: basicly this stone powers up the figaru causeing more damage to enemys.
-Water weapon: The water weapon is called a raingala(rain-ga-la),This weapon attaches on the other arm if the user has the figaru is already attached if the figaru isn't attached the user will have it on their right arm makeing the weapon clumsy and hard to use so It is wise to find the figaru first.
-ice whip: Yeah like the name sais it's an ice whip just its not made of ice at all its made out of water with ice shards inside forming like a spikey whip,
-aquamaru shooter: just like the figaru shot it's like a gun, just this one freezes the opponet for a short while. But it may not work agaisnt some types of enemy like a fire enemy it would have no effect,
-aquamarura icestone: it's pretty much the same thing as the figaruga crystal has the same effects just it's used for the raingala,
Wind armor/sword: the final peice of the set the wind armor and sword, gustmora(gust-more-a)Is the name of the armor and rikagura(ri-ca-goo-ra) is the name of the sword,
wind seed: this is like the aquamarura icestone and the figaruga crystal,
combinded weapons: all three peices form a white and light blue armor(or a black and dark red for someone that is pure evil), the user's power is increase 10 fold,
Thats just the basics.
Oh and chaotian's look like humans just they have pointer ears and their natural hair color is diffrent,
like humans are like black ,brown and blond
chaotians are like blue, red ,purple,green and mixed.